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james bond


007. Time To Investigate.

JB 067 :

JB 068 :

JB 069 :

JB 070 :

JB 071 :

JB 072 :

JB 073 :

JB 074 :

JB 075 :

JB 076 :

JB 077 :

JB 078 :

What is the cab number and the phone number shown at the top of the taxi, in which Bond pulls up at the hotel ?

Although uncredited in the film what is the name of the actress that plays the part of Professor Dent's secretary ?

Bond quizzes Professor Dent about the samples found by Professor Strangways. What does Dent describe the samples as ?

What are the initals, written on the door of Professor Dent's office ?

In Dent's panic he races to the harbour to travel to Crab Key. In what make of car does he travel ?

At Crab Key Professor Dent has a chilling conversation with Doctor No. The Doctor asks Dent, “You see what is in the cage ?”. What is is ?

Back at Bond's hotel he pour himself a drink of what ?

Bond wakes up in the middle of the night to find the spider crawling up his left arm and on to the pillow. How many blows of his slipper does he use to kill the arachnid ?

Back at Companies House, actress Zena Marshall makes her first appearance as Pleydell Smith's secretary, by what name does she go ?

How many telephones are there on the Commissioners desk ?

On leaving the Commissioners office Bond arranges a date with Pleydell Smith's secretary, form what time and where ?

Why is the fisherman is reluctant to take Bond to Crab Key ?


JB 067 :

JB 068 :

JB 069 :

JB 070 :

JB 071 :

JB 072 :

JB 073 :

JB 074 :

JB 075 :

JB 076 :

JB 077 :

JB 078 :

Number 26, and phone 67444.

Bettine Le Beau.

Low grade iron pyrites.

R. J.

1961 Vauxhall Velox (Mint green).

A black widow spider.

Smirnoff Vodka Red Label.

5 (Five).

Miss Taro.

2 (Two).

"Three o'clock, 'my' hotel".

There's a Dragon !.

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