james bond
005. The Scene Of The Crime.
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The blood patch on the carpet is from the radio operator (Strangway's Secretary). What blood group was she ?
Bond finds a receipt hidden in a book. Name the book and it's author ?
The receipt is from Dent Laboratories, for how much was the receipt ?
Who is pictured alongside Professor Dent with the shark in the photo ?
Meanwhile back at Bond's hotel room he is presented with a drink of what ?
Before leaving his room, what does Bond do to his briefcase ?
Before leaving his room, what does Bond do to the cupboard doors ?
Back at the Club, General Potter informs us that Professor Strangways only talked about what ?
A blue and yellow taxi pulls up at the harbour, what make of car is it ?
What colour is the boat, that the fisherman is working on ?
Where did the fisherman take 'Commander' Strangways ?
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O Rh positive.
Geological Configuration - N. Eastern Caribbean', by Lydell.
20 Jamaican dollars.
A local fisherman, Quarrel (John Kitzmiller).
One medium dry Vodka Martini, mixed, not stirred.
Puts Talcum powder over the locks.
Closes them and smears a strand of his hair over the joining doors.
Big game fishing and Bridge.
1959 Austin A55 Cambridge MkII.
Red and white.
The Caribbean.