james bond
003. Dr No - H.Q.
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Why can Bond not take Moneypenny to dinner ?
Bond enters M's office, there is a bronze bust to his left. Who is it of ?
What ship is pictured hanging above the fireplace in 'M's' office ?
The part of 'M' is played by Bernard Lee, but what is his full name and title in the film ?
What is 'Toppling' ?
What is the name of the American CIA man sent to work with Strangways ?
What time is Bond's flight to Kingston ?
'M' instructs Bond to remove his jacket, and hand over his gun. What make is it, and how long has Bond used it for ?
What has been the drop in double-O casualties since 'M' has been head of M16 ?
Bond is instructed to use a Walther PPK. 7.65mm. What type of silencer does it take ?
The armourer who instructs Bond on his new weapon is played by Peter Burton, but what is his character name ?
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M would have him court marshalled.
Winston Churchill.
HMS Victory.
Vice Admiral Sir Miles Messervy. KCMG, RN.
A method of throwing the gyroscopic controls of a guided missile, off balance, with a radio beam.
Felix Leiter (Jack Lord).
7 o'clock.
Beretta. Ten years.
Major Geoffrey Boothroyd.