james bond
002. Dr No - At The Casino.
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At what time does the messenger arrive at Le Cercle Les Ambassadeurs, London ?
At the gaming table the dealer turns his cards, showing his hand. What cards does he have ?
The Dealer deals again, but at what position is he sitting around the table ?
Again the dealer turns his cards, what does he have this time ?
How much does the lady opposite asks for ?
Bond's first words are ?
To whom does Bond speak his first words ?
The Dealer, James Bond, plays his final hand. What do his cards total ?
What is the name of the croupier, played by Alan Gold ?
Trench and Bond arrange a game of what for 'Tomorrow afternoon” ?
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Jack of Clubs and the Eight of Diamonds.
6 (Six)
King of Clubs and the Nine of Hearts.
"Another thousand".
"I admire your courage, Miss... uh... ?"
"Trench, Sylvia Trench".
Neuf a la banque (19).