james bond
008. From Russia With Love - At The Mosque.
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Bey and Bond stake out Krilencu's safe house, on the side of which is a poster advertising what film ?
The film stars Bob Hope and which actress, who Bey claims “Has a lovely mouth” ?
What time does Bond arrive back back at his hotel ?
Bond orders what for a 9am breakfast ?
Where do Bond and Romanova agree to meet in the morning ?
Who is playing the voyeurism game while Bond and Romanova do their bit to 'improve diplomatic relations' ?
In the Saint Sophia mosque, there are two red columns, from where where they stolen ?
Who follows Romanova into the mosque ?
Romanova places the plans for the Russian Consulate at the base of a column, but in what are they concealed ?
What is different about the foreign agent's attire, from the moment he enters the mosque to the time he is killed ?
Between what times does Romanova work with the Lektor at the Russian Consulate ?
Is a Lektor, manual or self calibrating ?
With what is Bond's camera powered ?
Meanwhile back in M's office how many people are listening to the tape recording ?
Romanova uses a nickname for Bond, it can be heard on the tape. What is it ?
What date is the Lektor stolen from the Russian Consulate ?
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"Call me Bwana".
Anita Ekberg.
Green figs, yogurt and coffee, very black".
Saint Sophia Mosque.
Rosa Kleb.
The foreign agent with the white, black polka dot tie, played by Hasan Ceylan.
A make up compact.
The addition of a grey v neck jumper.
Two till three.
An Ever Ready PowerPack battery.
8 (Eight).
The 13th (although the 14th was the originally planned date).