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051. Added June 2020

According to the rave fraternity - Big Fish, Little Fish.... what comes next ?

277 (two hundred and seventy seven) is it - Weeks on UK album chart for The Eagles 'Hotel California', Most points scored in Rugby World Cup history by England’s Johnny Wilkinson, Days in jail for Arsenal's Tony Adams on drink drive charges in 1990 or Bus route from Newham Hospital to Stoke Newington ?

At 7 am a train moving at 90 kph leaves Birmingham heading for London. At 8 a.m.  An identical train travelling at 110 kph leaves London heading for Birmingham. Which train will be closer to London when they meet ?

Mr. And Mrs. Jacks have five children, half of them are boys. How is this possible ?

If a plane crashes on the Italian Swiss border, in which country would the survivors be buried ?

A bottle of wine weighs exactly 120 ounces. Since the bottle itself weighs exactly twice as much as the wine, how much does the wine weigh?

Assuming that you are paying, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice or two friends to the movies at the same time ?

523 (five hundred and twenty three) is it - The telephone area code for Tucson Arizona, The episode number of Neighbours in which Charlene and Scott were married, height of the Effiel Tower in metres, Pay per actor / actress in pounds for the first Carry On film ?

What two colours would you associate with a Harrod’s carrier bag ?

Used to measure the height of horses, how many inches are there in one hand ?

general knowledge


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Question 10

Cardboard Box.

Most points scored in Rugby World Cup history by England’s Johnny Wilkinson

Neither. They are both in the same spot.

They are all boys.

You don't bury the survivors

40 ounces.

It is cheaper to take two friends at the same time. In this case, you would only be buying three tickets, whereas if you take the same friend twice you are buying four tickets.

The episode number of Neighbours in which Charlene and Scott were married.

Green with Gold lettering

4 (four)

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