What company gave birth to the slogan 'wasssup' ?
More than 200 schoolgirls were abducted by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram in April of 2014, but in what country did this taken place ?
Trait du Nord, Lipizzan, Tiger, and Pinto are all types of what ?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, what comes next ?
Place in order of invention (earliest to most recent) – Morse Code, Penny Farthing, telescope and Spinning Jenny ?
Which famous mythical creature amused himself 'along the Cherry Lane'
“The happiest place on Earth” is the slogan for which place ?
Place in order of existance (earliest to most recent) – King Canute, Sir Francis Drake, Alfred The Great, and William Tell ?
What was Google's top search for the year of 2009 ?
“It is, are you” was the slogan for which newspaper ?
general knowledge
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