013. On The Road
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The Blues Brothers, take a sauna with the booking agent. Elwood suggests three venues, can you name them ?
All three agree on one venue for the 'big show', which one ?
The agent tell Jake and Elwood, that the venue is 'up north' by what lake ?
To get the agent to play ball, what does Jake do ?
Meanwhile back at the orphanage, Curtis Salgado and the orphans, head up north to help advertise the show. They travel in Curtis' car, what make and model is it ?
What music is playing as Jake and Elwood drive round advertising the gig ?
On their travels, The Blues Brother walk through a school yard, can you name the school ?
Jake and Elwood then drive through a crowded beach, name the beach ?
How much do the Blues Brothers intend to charge for entry to the show ?
What is wrong with the poster that the owner of the musical instrument store puts up ?
The Blues Brothers, show is advertised on a urinal wall, that also advertises 'Cathy does', what does Cathy do ?
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The Double Up Lounge, The Morgan Park Theatre and the Crystal.
The Palace Hotel Ballroom, on Route 16. (actually The Hollywood Palladium – 6215 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California).
Lake Wazzapamani.
Blackmail him.
1967 Black Cadillac Flower.
“I'm Walkin'” - Fats Domino.
Oscar F Mayer Elementary School – 2250 N. Clifton, Chicago, Illinois.
Phil's Beach – 336 N Main, Bang's Lake, Wauconda, Illinois.
$2 cover.
It's upside down.