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the blues brothers


004. "Rollers"

BB 040 :

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BB 047 :

BB 048 :

How does Elwood describe the police car tailing them after leaving the church ?

Why are the Blues Brothers stopped by Trooper Daniel and Trooper Mount (played by Armand Cerami and Steve Williams) ?

What is the first squad car number and registration number of Trooper's Daniel and Mount ?

Elwood believes that the police patrol that has pulled them over has 'SCMODS', what is 'SCMODS' ?

What is Elwood Blues', Illinois license number ?

According to 'SCMODS' how many outstanding parking warrant does Elwood Blues have ?

What is the second song played on the 8-Track while Jake and Elwood are driving towards the Mall in the Bluesmobile ?

At the beginning of the chase, why does Elwood believe they won't be caught

In what direction are the Blues Brothers being pursued by Trooper's Daniel and Mount ?


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BB 041 :

BB 042 :

BB 043 :

BB 044 :

BB 045 :

BB 046 :

BB 047 :

BB 048 :


A minor traffic violation, the traffic light was allegedly red".

70 and U5843.

State County Municipal Offender Data System.



“Hold On I'm Coming” by Sam and Dave.

We're on a mission for God'.

Northbound on Fairmont Avenue.

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